the grudge(Explicit)-Olivia Rodrigo.flac

Olivia Rodrigo 欧美音乐 2024-03-23 14:29:32
the grudge (Explicit) - Olivia Rodrigo

Lyrics by:Daniel Nigro/Olivia Rodrigo

Composed by:Daniel Nigro/Olivia Rodrigo

Produced by:Daniel Nigro/Ryan Linvill

I have nightmares each week 'bout that Friday in May
每周梦魇缠身 全是关于五月的那个周五
One phone call from you and my entire world was changed
你一个电话过来 搅得我的世界天翻地覆
Trust that you betrayed confusion that still lingers
为何你要背叛我对你的信任 我百思不得其解
Took everything I loved and crushed it in between your fingers
肆意夺走我所爱的一切 不屑一顾用手指轻轻捏碎
And I doubt you ever think about the damage that you did
我心存疑虑 是否你曾反思过自己造成的伤害
But I hold onto every detail like my life depends on it
但我执着于每一个细节 就像我赖以生存的一切
My undying love now I hold it like a grudge
我那永恒的爱啊 如今反叫我怀恨在心
And I hear your voice every time that I think I'm not enough
每当感叹自己不够好的时候 你的声音就会在耳边传来
And I try to be tough but I wanna scream
我努力表现得足够坚强 其实内心无比想大声尖叫
How could anybody do the things you did so easily
And I say I don't care I say that I'm fine
我嘴上说不在乎 跟人说我没事
But you know I can't let it go
但你知道 我难以释怀
I've tried I've tried I've tried for so long
我努力了 我尽力了 过了这么久还是很难放下
It takes strength to forgive but I don't feel strong
原谅需要莫大的勇气 但我其实没那么坚强
The arguments that I've won against you in my head
In the shower in the car and in the mirror before bed
在浴室里 在车上 晚上坐在镜子前 依然回味无穷
Yeah I'm so tough when I'm alone and I make you feel so guilty
自己独处时 我表现得很坚强 这让你深感内疚
And I fantasize about a time you're a little ******* sorry
我幻想着有一天你感到愧疚 哪怕只是一丝歉意
And I try to understand why you would do this all to me
我绞尽脑汁地想 为何你要如此对我
You must be insecure you must be so unhappy
你一定是缺乏安全感 一定很不快乐
And I know in my heart hurt people hurt people
我知道我内心会想 受伤的人才会想着去伤害别人
And we both drew blood but man those cuts were never equal
我们都经历过创伤 可是 这些伤害永远不能相提并论
And I try to be tough but I wanna scream
我努力表现得足够坚强 其实内心无比想大声尖叫
How could anybody do the things you did so easily
And I say I don't care I say that I'm fine



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