HOYO-MiX-《崩坏星穹铁道-行于命途 Experience the Paths》全部歌曲合集无损FLAC/高品质MP3打包下载

HOYO-MiX 专辑合辑 2023-10-27 11:11:46
《崩坏:星穹铁道》首张PV主题OST《行于命途 Experience the Paths》

1.追星星的人 Star Chaser-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
2.专家教学 Expert Tutorial-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
3.致将启程的你 To You Who Will Soon Depart-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
4.甄选、规划和机遇 Selection, Planning, and Opportunity-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
5.掌中宇宙 Grasp the Stars-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
6.有关星空的寓言集•其一 Fables About the Stars Part 1-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
7.有点意思 Got a Date-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
8.引爆在即! The Cusp of Ignition!-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
9.银河漫游 Galactic Roaming-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
10.以朗道之名 In the Name of Landau-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
11.一夜无事 Uneventful Night-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
12.耶佩拉叛乱 The Jepella Rebellion-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
13.玄黄 Ichor of Two Dragons-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
14.行者明誓 The Traveler And His Oath-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
15.仙骸有终 Even Immortality Ends-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
16.下一站,银河! Next Stop, the Stars!-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
17.戏剧性反讽 A Dramatic Irony-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
18.五龙远徙 Exodus of the Five Dragons-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
19.天镜映劫尘 Celestial Eyes Above Mortal Ruins-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
20.天干物燥 In Torrid Heat-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
21.天地为枰 Heaven and Earth as a Chessboard-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
22.太空喜剧 Space Comedy-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
23.死兆将至 Death Approaches-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
24.说剑 On Swords-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
25.神策府总司一切大小事务将军 General of All Affairs at the Seat of Divine Foresight-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
26.你的选择 Your Choice-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
27.来,拍照啦! Let's Take a Photo!-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
28.剑出无回 Swordward-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
29.归去来 The Prodigal's Return-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
30.锋寒砺淬 Tempered Chill-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
31.飞光 A Flash-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
32.法眼无遗 Omniscia Spares None-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3
33.冬梦激醒 Jolted Awake From a Winter Dream-HOYO-MiX.flac/mp3



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