Let it be-金希.flac

金希 华语音乐 2024-05-16 14:16:21
Let it be (《前途海量》电影主题曲) - 金希
In the darkness of the night feeling lost and all alone
这是深黑色的夜 让人落寞和孤单
I'm drowning in my thoughts my spirit almost gone
沉静在自己的思绪中 毕竟一场空
The weight of the world on my shoulders I can't see the light
肩膀已重如泰山 我也无法看穿
And we find our own light shining in my darkest night
我要追寻的亮光 却闪在最黑的梦乡
Darkest night
Sometimes I feel hopeless with no end in sight
我时常会绝望 时常迷失方向
But we'll hold on tight and we'll be alright
我们还得牢记 未来不能怎样
Oh let it be see the world is just like that
随他去吧 看这世界不过这样
Oh let it be think the life is just so hard
随他去吧 想这生活困难现状
Oh let it be feel Love nothing more than that
随他去吧 感受这爱 随遇而安
Oh let it be hard but keep going on
随他去吧 再难也要咬紧牙关
Oh let it be see the world is just like that
随他去吧 看这世界不过这样
Oh let it be think the life is just so hard
随他去吧 想这生活困难现状
Oh let it be feel Love nothing more than that
随他去吧 感受这爱 随遇而安
Oh let it be hard but keep going on
随他去吧 再难也要咬紧牙关



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